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Discover Best Education in Casper, WY at Fort Caspar Academy - Enroll Today!

Discover Best Education in Casper, WY at Fort Caspar Academy - Enroll Today!

Are you looking for a school that prioritizes both academics and character development? Look no further than Fort Caspar Academy in Casper, Wyoming. Did you know that 97% of FCA students meet or exceed state standards in both math and reading?

At FCA, students not only succeed academically but also develop strong moral values through the school's Character Education program. Every month, students focus on a different trait such as respect, responsibility, and kindness.

But what sets FCA apart from other schools? It's their dedication to individualized education. Teachers work closely with each student to create a personalized learning plan that meets their unique needs and interests.

In fact, FCA has a 9:1 student-to-teacher ratio, allowing for more one-on-one attention and support.

The school also offers a variety of extracurricular activities including robotics, chess, and art clubs. Students can also participate in sports such as basketball, track, volleyball, and wrestling.

Another highlight of FCA is their involvement in the community. Students regularly volunteer at local organizations and participate in service projects such as cleaning up parks and volunteering at animal shelters.

Transitioning to a new school can be scary, but FCA eases that process for families with their welcoming atmosphere. The staff works to build strong relationships with both students and parents to ensure everyone feels comfortable and supported.

And the results speak for themselves - FCA has a graduation rate of 95% and 98% of its graduates go on to attend college or vocational school.

Another unique feature of FCA is their involvement with the military community. With F.E. Warren Air Force Base located nearby, the school provides resources and support for military families.

Finally, the school's commitment to technology integration prepares students for success in the modern world. FCA provides each student with a Chromebook and integrates technology into every aspect of learning.

So if you're looking for a school that values academic excellence, character development, individualized attention, extracurricular opportunities, community involvement, military support, and technology integration - Fort Caspar Academy is the solution you've been searching for. Come see for yourself why FCA is the best choice for your child's education.

Fort Caspar Academy is a reputable learning institution situated in Casper, Wyoming. It is a public charter school dedicated to providing quality education to students from kindergarten to eighth grade. The school's learning program equips students with the necessary skills and knowledge required to excel academically and socially.

Campuses and Infrastructure

The academy has two campuses that house grade levels from 0 to 5th grade and another campus for middle schoolers. Each campus is well-equipped with state-of-the-art facilities such as a gymnasium, computer labs, library, science labs, and music rooms.The school's infrastructure is impressive, with classrooms designed to ensure maximum learning and comfort for students. The school has a spacious playground, where students can engage in various activities during break time and after school.

Faculty and Staff

Fort Caspar Academy prides itself on having highly qualified and competent faculty and staff. The teaching staff is knowledgeable and experienced in their respective fields, and they work diligently to ensure students receive quality instruction.Additionally, the school employs support staff such as administrative assistants, custodians, and cafeteria workers to ensure the academy runs smoothly and provides a conducive learning environment.

Academic Programs

The academy's academic programs are designed to cater to diverse learning needs and styles. They offer a comprehensive curriculum that covers all subjects, including language arts, math, science, social studies, art, and physical education.Fort Caspar Academy also offers advanced placement courses for higher performing students, providing them with an opportunity to earn college credits while still in high school.

Extracurricular Activities

Besides academics, Fort Caspar Academy provides students with opportunities for growth and development through extracurricular activities. The academy offers various clubs and organizations such as the robotics club, student council, drama club, and music club. The school also participates in various athletic competitions, including soccer, basketball, and volleyball.The academy's extracurricular activities provide a chance for students to hone their talents and skills outside the classroom, enhancing their social and physical development.

Parental Involvement

Fort Caspar Academy values the role of parents in their student's education and encourages parental involvement. The school has an active Parent Teacher Organization (PTO), which works collaboratively with teachers and administration to support student learning.

Student Support Services

The academy's dedicated student support team is committed to addressing the academic, social, and emotional needs of all students. They offer support services such as counseling, special education, and behavioral intervention programs.

School Culture

Fort Caspar Academy's culture is centered on respect, responsibility, and safety. The academy strives to create a welcoming and inclusive learning environment where each student feels valued and appreciated.The academy's culture focuses on building a strong and positive relationship between students, teachers, staff, and parents, fostering a sense of community within the school.

Partnership with the Community

The academy partners with the community to enhance student learning opportunities. They work with local businesses and organizations to offer internships and volunteer opportunities for students. This helps students develop their vocational skills while at the same time contributing to their community.

Technology Integration

Fort Caspar Academy recognizes the importance of technology in modern-day education, and the academy has integrated technology throughout its curriculum. Each classroom is equipped with computers, interactive whiteboards, and other digital devices to aid in instruction.Furthermore, the academy has a computer lab and encourages teachers to use online resources to supplement their lessons.


Fort Caspar Academy is an esteemed learning institution in Casper, Wyoming, dedicated to providing quality education to students at all grade levels. The academy's exceptional infrastructure, qualified and experienced staff, comprehensive curriculum, extracurricular activities, parental involvement, and partnership with the community set it apart as a leading public charter school in the region.

Fort Caspar Academy: A Comparison

Fort Caspar Academy is a charter school located in Casper, Wyoming. It serves students from Kindergarten to 8th grade and aims to provide quality education to its students. But how does it compare to other schools in the area? Let's take a closer look.

A Brief Overview of Fort Caspar Academy

Fort Caspar Academy was founded in 1997 and has since then become one of the most reputable schools in the state. As a charter school, it has the ability to offer more flexible programs and opportunities for its students compared to traditional public schools. The school focuses on providing a safe and welcoming environment for its students, as well as maintaining a high academic standard.

Academics and Curriculum

Fort Caspar Academy places great emphasis on academics and provides a rigorous curriculum for its students. It uses a classical education model which emphasizes the study of literature, history, and languages. This approach is believed to develop critical thinking skills and a deeper understanding of the world. Students are also offered elective courses such as computer science, music, and art to further expand their knowledge.

Compared to other schools in the area, Fort Caspar Academy performs exceptionally well in standardized tests and has a high graduation rate. According to, the school has a rating of 9 out of 10 based on its test scores.

Class Size and Teacher Quality

One significant advantage of attending Fort Caspar Academy is the small class size. With an average of 15 students per class, teachers can provide personalized attention to each student and adjust the pace of learning according to the student's needs. This also allows for better classroom management and a more focused learning environment.

Furthermore, the school has an experienced and dedicated teaching staff. Over 75% of the faculty have a master's degree or higher, and many have been with the school for over a decade.

Facilities and Resources

Fort Caspar Academy is housed in a modern facility that provides ample space for its students and staff. The school has a well-equipped library, science labs, computer lab, art room, and music room. It also has a gymnasium and outdoor playground facilities for extracurricular activities.

In terms of resources, the school has access to state-of-the-art technology and learning tools. Students are provided with individual laptops or tablets, and teachers use online platforms to enhance their lessons and communicate with parents.

Comparison with Other Schools

Despite its many advantages, Fort Caspar Academy is not the only school in Casper, Wyoming. How does it compare to other public schools in the area?

Academic Performance

According to, the average rating for public schools in Casper is 5 out of 10, compared to Fort Caspar Academy's rating of 9 out of 10. This indicates that the school is performing significantly better than other schools in the area in terms of academic achievement.

Class Size and Teacher Quality

Compared to other public schools, Fort Caspar Academy has a smaller class size, which allows for more personalized attention from teachers. However, some public schools in the area also have small class sizes, particularly in the elementary grades. In terms of teacher quality, it is difficult to make a direct comparison without looking at individual schools, as teacher qualifications and experience may vary widely.

Facilities and Resources

Public schools in the area also have access to modern facilities and resources, and some even have specialized programs such as STEM or performing arts. However, these schools may have limited resources, such as outdated technology or inadequate classroom space.

Opinions on Fort Caspar Academy

What do parents and students have to say about Fort Caspar Academy?

Parent Reviews

According to, 76% of parents who reviewed the school would recommend it to other parents. Some of the most commonly praised aspects of the school include its strong academic program, dedicated faculty, and welcoming atmosphere. Some parents also appreciate the frequent communication between teachers and parents.

Student Reviews

Many students also have positive things to say about Fort Caspar Academy. A common sentiment is that the school provides a challenging yet rewarding academic experience. Students also appreciate the opportunities to explore their interests through elective courses and extracurricular activities.

The Verdict

Overall, Fort Caspar Academy is a highly reputable school that offers a rigorous academic program and a safe, welcoming environment. The school's use of the classical education model and small class size make it stand out from other public schools in the area. However, it may not be the right fit for every student. Parents should consider factors such as proximity to home, transportation, and individual student needs before making a decision.

Fort Caspar Academy Other Public Schools in Casper, WY
Academic Performance 9/10 rating 5/10 rating
Class Size 15 students per class (average) Varies; some schools have small class sizes, particularly in elementary grades
Teacher Quality Over 75% with master's degree or higher; experienced and dedicated faculty Varies widely
Facilities and Resources Well-equipped modern facility; state-of-the-art technology and learning tools; access to gymnasium and outdoor playground facilities Varies; some schools may have limited resources, such as outdated technology or inadequate classroom space

Tips and Tutorial for Fort Caspar Academy in Casper, WY


Fort Caspar Academy is a public elementary school located in Casper, Wyoming. It is known for its quality education and the warm environment it provides to students. If you want your child to study at this school, here are some tips and tutorials to help you prepare.

Tip #1: Check Enrollment Requirements

To enroll your child at Fort Caspar Academy, you need to find out the requirements set by the school. The enrollment process usually starts in January or February of each year, but you can find out more information by contacting the school directly.

Tip #2: Research about the School

Before enrolling your child in any school, you must research and find out more about the school's reputation. Fortunately, Fort Caspar Academy has a great reputation for providing a high-quality education and creating a welcoming community for its students.

Tip #3: Attend School Open Houses

To get an actual feel and view of what Fort Casper Academy offers within their environment, it is recommended to attend the open house events that the school offers. You will have the opportunity to speak with the staff and teachers, as well as observe classroom activities, all while experiencing the school first-hand.

Tip #4: Learn More about the Curriculum

Fort Caspar Academy follows the Wyoming state education standards for their curriculum. You can learn more about the curriculum by visiting the school's website or talking to the teachers. You can help your child with homework and assignments by understanding and retaining what they're learning in most of their core subject areas.

Tip #5: Get Involved with the School Community

Joining the school's PTA is one of the best ways to get involved with the community. It is also an excellent opportunity to connect with other parents and teachers while being informed about the school's activities and events.

Tutorial #1: Preparing for School Supplies

To save money and reduce stress when preparing for your child's education, you will like to check your current stock at home for school supplies first. After checking your inventory, make a list of what is needed, and shop accordingly. Some supplies can be recycled from previous years or purchased in bulk, such as notebooks, pens, and pencils.

Tutorial #2: Dress Code

Like any other school, Fort Casper Academy has a dress code policy that must be followed. The dress code includes the expectations of wearing clothing that covers the midriff and undergarments. Come in comfortable, stylish and proper attire, which is an important aspect to help students focus on learning.

Tutorial #3: Preparing for Lunch

Fort Caspar Academy provides hot lunch or bagged lunch if ordered ahead of time. Parents are encouraged to provide packed lunch and snacks for their children if they prefer. You may choose what your child may want to eat inside their packed lunch, which certainly can mean safer and healthier food choices.

Tutorial #4: Transportation

Fort Caspar Academy does not currently provide bus transportation, so students need to have alternate transportation. Understandably, it is safer to take your child to school each day, but if you're unable to do so, find alternative transportation like carpooling, a friend, neighbor, and even getting on public transportation.

Tutorial #5: Communications to Stay Informed

Getting to know the staff and teachers and keeping an open line of communication is vital in knowing and keeping up with what your child is learning and will be learning throughout the school year. Think about subscribing to the school's website, email list, and sign-up for alerts regarding upcoming events important dates.


In conclusion, Fort Caspar Academy in Casper, Wyoming is a great school for children seeking quality education in a welcoming environment. These tips and tutorial listed earlier that guides parents on what the school represents, enrollment requirements, curriculum value, dress code, lunch preparation, transportation, and communicating with school staff and teachers is just the basic foundation a parent may need before starting their journey when it comes to an excellent elementary education with Ft. Caspar Academy.

Fort Caspar Academy: Providing Quality Education in Casper, Wyoming

Education is a vital component of every child's growth and success. It lays the foundation for their future, and therefore, it should be prioritized. If you're looking for an excellent elementary school in Casper, Wyoming, then Fort Caspar Academy is worth considering.

Founded in 2012, Fort Caspar Academy (FCA) is a public elementary school located at 4100 W. 39th Street, Casper, Wyoming. The school's mission is to provide quality education that fosters academic excellence, character development, and community involvement.

FCA has steadily built a reputation as one of the top-performing elementary schools in Casper, WY. The school has achieved impressive academic results over the years, making it a preferred choice for parents seeking a quality learning environment for their children.

The school offers a comprehensive curriculum that caters to the different learning needs of students. At FCA, students receive instruction in English, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, Art, Physical Education, and Technology. There are also after-school programs that help to enhance students' skills outside the classroom setting.

FCA has a team of highly-qualified teachers who are passionate about their work. They are committed to providing a conducive learning environment that fosters the intellectual, emotional, and social development of students. These teachers use innovative teaching methods that make learning enjoyable and effective for every student.

Fort Caspar Academy also values parent involvement in their children's learning process. This is why the school encourages parents to be actively involved in various school activities and to work collaboratively with the teachers to support their children's academic success.

The school has a safe and welcoming environment for students. It has a robust security system that ensures the safety of students while on the school premises. Additionally, the school has a well-maintained playground that provides students with a conducive environment for physical activities.

Fort Caspar Academy has a diverse student population. There is a culture of acceptance, respect, and appreciation for diversity that permeates the school's environment. This has helped create a friendly and inclusive atmosphere where every student feels valued and appreciated.

FCA also offers special education services to students with disabilities. These services are provided by a team of qualified professionals who work with students to help them achieve academic success.

The school has a robust extracurricular program that provides students with opportunities to explore their interests and talents. There are various clubs and activities that students can participate in, such as robotics club, debate club, and chess club.

Finally, Fort Caspar Academy is a community-oriented school. It has established partnerships with various organizations in Casper, Wyoming, to provide students with unique learning experiences. The school also participates in various community outreach programs that help to instill a sense of civic responsibility in students.

Closing Message

Overall, Fort Caspar Academy is an excellent choice for parents seeking to provide their children with quality education in Casper, Wyoming. The school's commitment to academic excellence, character development, and community involvement sets it apart from other elementary schools in the area. With experienced teachers, a comprehensive curriculum, a safe and welcoming environment, and a supportive community, FCA is an ideal place for your child to learn and grow.

We invite you to visit our school and experience firsthand what Fort Caspar Academy has to offer. We are confident that you'll be impressed with our faculty, programs, and facilities. Thank you for considering FCA for your child's education. We look forward to welcoming you to our school community.

People Also Ask About Fort Caspar Academy Casper Wy

What is Fort Caspar Academy?

Fort Caspar Academy is a public charter school located in Casper, Wyoming. The academy received its charter in 2000 and serves students in kindergarten through eighth grade.

What is the mission of Fort Caspar Academy?

The mission of Fort Caspar Academy is to promote excellence in education and personal growth for all students. The academy is committed to providing a challenging academic curriculum, strong character development, and a safe and nurturing learning environment for its students.

What are the core values of Fort Caspar Academy?

The core values of Fort Caspar Academy include academic excellence, accountability, respect, integrity, citizenship, and perseverance. These values are incorporated into the academy's curriculum and practices to encourage students to become responsible, respectful, and contributing members of society.

What programs are offered at Fort Caspar Academy?

Fort Caspar Academy offers a wide range of programs to support student learning and development, including:

  • A rigorous academic curriculum that exceeds state standards
  • Elective courses in music, art, physical education, and technology
  • An emphasis on character education and community service
  • A gifted and talented program for advanced learners
  • Individualized instruction and support for students with special needs

What are the admission requirements for Fort Caspar Academy?

Fort Caspar Academy is open to all students in the Casper, Wyoming area. However, space is limited and admission is based on a lottery system. Parents must submit an application by the designated deadline to be considered for admission.

What is the student body like at Fort Caspar Academy?

Fort Caspar Academy has a diverse student body that reflects the local community. The academy serves approximately 500 students in kindergarten through eighth grade. About 20% of students come from minority backgrounds.

What is the parent involvement like at Fort Caspar Academy?

Parent involvement is an important part of the culture at Fort Caspar Academy. The academy encourages parents to take an active role in their child's education by volunteering in the classroom, attending school events, and supporting fundraising efforts. The academy also has a parent-teacher organization that helps to coordinate these activities.