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Transforming Education: Discover Making Waves Academy Upper School for Top-notch Learning

Transforming Education: Discover Making Waves Academy Upper School for Top-notch Learning

Are you on the hunt for a reputable upper school in California? Look no further than Making Waves Academy Upper School.

At Making Waves Academy Upper School, we pride ourselves on providing an exceptional education to our students. With a focus on college preparation and career readiness, we strive to prepare our students for success in whatever path they choose to pursue.

But don't just take our word for it - our statistics speak for themselves. Over 90% of our graduates go on to attend college, and 100% of our students receive personalized support from our dedicated staff and faculty.

What sets us apart from other schools is our commitment to creating a community of learners. Our small class sizes allow for individualized attention, while our diverse student body fosters a sense of unity and promotes cultural awareness.

But it's not just about academics - we also prioritize extracurricular activities and community involvement. Our students have access to a wide range of clubs and sports teams, and we encourage them to give back by participating in volunteer projects and community service.

And the best part? Our state-of-the-art facilities and technology ensure that our students have access to the resources they need to succeed. From our modern science labs to our fully-equipped media center, we have everything necessary to prepare our students for the challenges of the future.

So why choose Making Waves Academy Upper School? Not only will you receive a top-notch education, but you'll join a community of learners who are committed to academic excellence, personal growth, and community service.

Plus, with our focus on personalized attention and comprehensive support, you can rest assured that you'll have all the tools necessary to achieve your dreams and become a successful, well-rounded individual.

Ready to see what Making Waves Academy Upper School can do for you? Schedule a visit to our campus today and discover why we're considered one of California's best upper schools.

Don't settle for a mediocre education - choose Making Waves Academy Upper School and make waves in your own future!

Making Waves Academy Upper School is a unique institution that has been making waves in academics since its establishment. The school caters to students in grades 6 through 12 and is located in Richmond, California. The academy is known for its distinct approach to education, blending traditional academic coursework with personalized learning opportunities, to help students reach their full potential.

The Making Waves Approach

Making Waves Academy Upper School has a distinctive teaching approach that aims to provide a well-rounded education to all of its students. The academy's curriculum consists of four fundamental domains: Academics, Social-Emotional Learning (SEL), Wellness, and College and Career Readiness. The faculty members are dedicated to preparing students for college and the professional world. At Making Waves Academy Upper School, students learn in a way that suits their interests and strengths. The curriculum emphasizes project-based learning and offers personalized instruction so that each student can learn at his or her own pace. By being able to set their own goals and work towards achieving them independently, students learn how to become self-sufficient and perseverant.


The academic program at Making Waves Academy Upper School is rigorous and designed to prepare students for college and beyond. The courses offered meet or exceed California state standards and include English, math, science, social studies, and foreign languages. The school also provides advanced coursework in various subjects including Advanced Placement (AP) classes.One notable program is the STEAM program, which focuses on Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics. This program is designed to develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills that are essential in contemporary society.

Social-Emotional Learning

Social-Emotional Learning is an essential component of education at Making Waves Academy Upper School. The school recognizes that students need to be taught the necessary skills to manage and regulate their emotions so that they can navigate through challenging situations. The SEL program includes mindfulness exercises, peer coaching, open dialogue, and character development activities.The SEL program aims to help students become confident and empathetic individuals who are capable of fostering positive relationships with others. Students are encouraged to express their opinions and ideas, and they also learn how to listen respectfully to others. By prioritizing social-emotional growth, the school is creating a safe and inclusive learning environment for all students.


The wellness program at Making Waves Academy Upper School promotes physical activity and healthy eating habits. The school recognizes that physical health is essential for cognitive functioning and overall well-being. The wellness program includes team sports, yoga classes, healthy cooking demonstrations, and nutrition education.Students are encouraged to participate in extracurricular activities that promote physical activity and sportsmanship. This program teaches students the value of teamwork, time management, and perseverance. Regular physical activities also reduce stress levels, improve mental health, and boost academic performance.

College and Career Readiness

Making Waves Academy Upper School provides comprehensive college and career readiness support to its students. The school has a dedicated college counseling team that guides students through the college application process, financial aid, and scholarship opportunities. Students receive tailored advice and support throughout their high school years and beyond.The school also provides job shadowing, internship, and mentorship opportunities, so students can gain practical experience in fields of interest. The focus is on providing students with a clear path towards their desired career, while also teaching them the essential skills of networking, resume writing, and interviewing.

Closing thoughts

Making Waves Academy Upper School is a unique educational institution that prioritizes the holistic development of its students. Through an integrated approach to education, the academy fosters intellectual curiosity, emotional intelligence, and physical fitness. Graduates from Making Waves Academy Upper School are prepared not just for higher education but also for thriving in the professional world. The school is a testament to the fact that education must evolve to remain relevant and effective. Making Waves Academy Upper School's approach to education is shaping future leaders who are well equipped for the modern world.

Comparing Making Waves Academy Upper School: An In-Depth Review


When it comes to education, choosing the right high school is just as important as choosing the right college. One school that often comes to mind is the Making Waves Academy Upper School. This college-prep school is known for its intensive academic program, small class sizes, and holistic approach to education. But how does it stack up against other similar schools? In this article, we'll take a look at Making Waves Academy Upper School's curriculum, campus life, and extracurricular opportunities, and compare them to other top private high schools in the area.


Making Waves Academy places a strong emphasis on academics, with each student following an individual learning plan tailored to their strengths and goals. Their college-preparatory program covers all core subjects and offers Advanced Placement and honors courses in math, science, humanities, and foreign language. However, one notable feature in their curriculum is their focus on social justice and community involvement. Alongside academic classes, students engage in a wide variety of community service projects that allow them to apply classroom knowledge and gain real-world skills.

In comparison, XYZ School also boasts a rigorous curriculum with a particular emphasis on science and technology. They offer accelerated courses in physics, chemistry, biology, and computer science, and students can choose from a variety of electives, such as robotics, engineering, and coding. They also require a senior thesis project and offer college-level research opportunities in collaboration with local universities.


In terms of academics, both schools offer impressive curriculums that challenge and prepare students for college. However, Making Waves Academy's integration of community service is a unique approach that can foster a sense of social responsibility and leadership in students.

Campus Life

The campus environment can play a critical role in shaping a student's overall high school experience. Making Waves Academy has a small student body of approximately 500 students, which allows for personal attention and support from teachers and staff. The school also provides numerous resources and facilities, including a library, computer labs, art studios, sports fields, and a performing arts center.

At ABC School, students enjoy a spacious and modern campus that is equipped with state-of-the-art technology and facilities. The school has a student population of around 1,000 and encourages participation in sports, music, drama, and student government activities. Their extensive campus is also home to a gymnasium, Olympic-sized pool, fitness center, and performing arts auditorium.


Both schools offer excellent facilities and opportunities for extracurricular activities. However, Making Waves Academy's smaller size may provide a more intimate and supportive community for students.

Extracurricular Activities

Extracurricular activities can help students develop leadership, teamwork, and time management skills while pursuing their interests and passions. At Making Waves Academy, students can choose from a variety of clubs and organizations, such as the debate team, robotics club, drama club, and student government. They also offer intramural and varsity sports programs for both boys and girls, as well as after-school tutoring and college counseling services.

Similarly, DEF School offers a diverse selection of extracurricular activities, including Model United Nations, yearbook, Mock Trial, and a community service club. They also have a strong athletic program, with competitive teams in football, soccer, basketball, track and field, and more. Additionally, the school offers job shadowing and internship opportunities, as well as college readiness workshops and summer programs.


Both schools offer a wide array of extracurricular activities that can enhance a student's high school experience and prepare them for the future. However, DEF School's emphasis on internships and summer programs may provide students with more opportunities to explore their career interests and gain practical skills.


Overall, Making Waves Academy Upper School is an impressive institution that offers rigorous academics, a supportive community, and diverse extracurricular opportunities. While it may not have the same extensive resources and facilities as other top private high schools in the area, its unique approach to community involvement and social justice can provide students with a well-rounded education that goes beyond the classroom. Ultimately, the choice of schools depends on the individual needs and goals of each family and student.

Making Waves Academy XYZ School ABC School DEF School
Small Class Sizes Yes No No No
Advanced Placement courses Yes Yes No Yes
Focus on Social Justice Yes No No No
Community Service Opportunities Yes No No Yes
Spacious Campus No No Yes Yes
Athletic Program Yes No Yes Yes
Extracurricular Activities Yes No Yes Yes
Internship Opportunities No No No Yes
Summer Programs No No No Yes
Student Population 500 1000 1300 900

Making Waves Academy Upper School: A Guide to Success


Making Waves Academy Upper School is a charter school located in Richmond, California. This school has won several accolades for its academic excellence and the opportunities it provides for students. The school aims at providing a high-quality education to ambitious and talented students who strive for achieving their goals. In this blog post, we will discuss tips and tutorials that will help you succeed at Making Waves Academy Upper School.

Tip #1: Develop a Learning Mindset

The first step towards achieving success at Making Waves Academy Upper School is by cultivating a learning mindset. This means that you should be ready to learn new things, ask questions, and remain curious. Set aside your ego and listen to what your teachers have to say. You should be willing to put in extra effort to understand difficult concepts. Adopting a learning mindset will enable you to get the most out of your education, and you will be able to reach your full potential.

Tip #2: Time Management

Time management is crucial for achieving success at Making Waves Academy Upper School. You need to plan your time well to ensure that you meet all your deadlines and complete your assignments on time. Use a planner or calendar to schedule your time effectively. This way, you can stay on top of your workload and avoid last-minute stress.

Tip #3: Take Notes

Taking notes in class is essential for retaining information. It also helps you to organize your thoughts and review the material. Develop a system for taking notes that works best for you. You could use bullet points, diagrams, or mind maps. Make sure that your notes are legible, detailed, and well-organized.

Tip #4: Stay Organized

Staying organized is crucial for success at Making Waves Academy Upper School. Keep your assignments and materials in order and label everything properly. This will ensure that you can quickly find what you need when you need it. Keep your study area neat and tidy, and remove any distractions that might hinder your concentration.

Tip #5: Get Involved in Extracurricular Activities

Extracurricular activities are an excellent way of developing new skills, making friends, and having fun. At Making Waves Academy Upper School, there are numerous extracurricular activities that you can participate in, including sports, clubs, and volunteer programs. Joining a club or team is an excellent way to meet like-minded individuals who share your interests. It also provides an opportunity to develop leadership skills and engage in community service.

Tip #6: Communicate with Teachers

Communication is crucial for success at Making Waves Academy Upper School. If you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to approach your teachers. They are there to help you succeed and are always willing to offer guidance. Make sure that you attend all your classes and participate actively in discussions.

Tip #7: Use Technology to Your Advantage

Technology plays a significant role in education today. Use it to your advantage by using online resources to facilitate your learning. There are numerous educational apps, websites, and videos that you can use to supplement your classroom learning. However, be careful not to let technology distract you from your studies.

Tip #8: Stay Healthy

Taking care of your physical and mental health is crucial for success at Making Waves Academy Upper School. Make sure that you get enough sleep, eat a balanced diet, and exercise regularly. Take breaks when you need them, and avoid overstressing yourself.

Tip #9: Seek Out Mentors

Mentors can offer guidance, advice, and support when you need it the most. Seek out mentors who have experience in your field of interest or are successful in their careers. They can provide valuable insights into what it takes to succeed and help you stay motivated.

Tip #10: Believe in Yourself

Believing in yourself is essential for success at Making Waves Academy Upper School. Acknowledge your strengths and weaknesses and work on improving yourself. Be confident in your abilities and trust that you can achieve your goals.


Making Waves Academy Upper School provides an excellent opportunity for students to receive a high-quality education and achieve their goals. By following these tips and tutorials, you can succeed academically and thrive personally. Remember to stay positive, be proactive, and keep working hard towards your dreams.

Exploring the Excellence of Making Waves Academy Upper School

If you are looking for an exemplary educational institution where your children will not only achieve academic excellence but also have access to an array of resources to help them thrive in different realms, then Making Waves Academy Upper School is the right place.

The academy is dedicated to molding the future leaders of the world and provides a solid foundation for students to build their future careers. The staff is passionate about education and takes an individual approach to cater to the different needs and goals of each student.

At Making Waves Academy Upper School, students benefit from a robust curriculum that goes beyond the average high school curriculum. They offer extensive courses in Physics, Calculus, and Statistics, among other subjects. Additionally, they also have unique programs such as the Music Conservatory, Animation, Ethics & Social Justice, Culinary Arts, and Entrepreneurship.

The academy is built on three core values: Leadership, Critical Thinking and Collaboration. These values guide both teachers and students in all aspects of life. From classrooms to extracurricular activities, students learn how to think critically, lead by example, and work together towards a common goal.

One component that stands out about Making Waves Academy Upper School is the small-sized class, which is uniquely designed to give every student personalized attention. Students learn better when they are in an environment where they feel understood and encouraged. In small classes, teachers can identify strengths and weaknesses easily and adapt the curriculum to fit the individual's learning style.

The academy also prepares students for life outside the classroom. They organize internships, job fairs, and mentorship programs with its alumni network. After graduation, students join a thriving community that helps them build their careers and discover opportunities.

Additionally, Making Waves Academy Upper School provides a safe and secure environment for the students. The campus is equipped with security cameras, and visitors need to go through a security screening to gain access. The school also has a zero-tolerance policy on bullying, drugs, and disruptive behavior.

The academy is committed to ensuring that every student has access to quality education, regardless of their financial situation. They offer financial aid in the form of scholarships, grants, loans, and work-study programs to qualifying students. You can always inquire about eligibility and how to apply.

Making Waves Academy Upper School provides students with an array of extracurricular activities that help them develop their leadership skills and hobbies. From athletics to academic clubs, students have the opportunity to shine and cultivate their passion in different areas.

In conclusion, Making Waves Academy Upper School sets the standard for excellence in academics, extracurricular activities, and character development. They prepare students for the challenges of the world beyond the classroom and equip them with the necessary skills to make a positive change in the world. It's not just a school; it's a community that values education, diversity, inclusivity, and personal growth.

Finally, if you are looking for a place where your children can thrive and grow into valuable members of society, then Making Waves Academy Upper School is the perfect choice. Explore what they have to offer, and witness the difference in education.

People Also Ask: Making Waves Academy Upper School

What is Making Waves Academy Upper School?

Making Waves Academy Upper School is a college-preparatory public charter school located in Richmond, California. It serves students in grades 9-12 and provides a rigorous academic curriculum, as well as a supportive and engaging school community.

What sets Making Waves Academy Upper School apart from other high schools?

There are a number of factors that make Making Waves Academy Upper School unique:

  1. Strong focus on college preparation and career readiness
  2. Dedicated college counselors who support each student throughout their high school experience
  3. Highly qualified and experienced teachers who are committed to student success
  4. A culture of inclusivity, tolerance, and respect for diversity
  5. Opportunities for students to explore their passions and develop leadership skills through a variety of extracurricular activities

What kind of academic programs does Making Waves Academy Upper School offer?

Making Waves Academy Upper School offers a rigorous academic curriculum that includes courses in English, math, science, social studies, foreign languages, and the arts. It also offers Advanced Placement courses, honors courses, and dual enrollment options through local colleges and universities.

Is transportation provided for students who attend Making Waves Academy Upper School?

Yes, Making Waves Academy Upper School provides free transportation for students who live in certain areas of Contra Costa County. The school also offers a shuttle service for students who live near BART stations.

How can I apply to Making Waves Academy Upper School?

Applications for Making Waves Academy Upper School are accepted during the open enrollment period each year. Interested students and families can visit the school's website or contact the admissions office for more information about the application process.